Genetic Purity
Each axie has six body parts as well as a body shape. For each part, an axie possesses three genes. A dominant (D), recessive (R1), and minor recessive gene (R2). An axie also has one of six classes.
Each gene plays a role in the makeup of the axie's overall purity. If every gene matches the axie's class, then the axie is considered 100% pure. If a subset of the genes matches the axie's class, you get varying percentage purity levels. Below is the breakdown:
Dominant: 75%
Recessive: 18.75%
Minor Recessive: 6.25%
Each gene is then added together to calculate the overall purity.
Axie 6185885 Example
Let us calculate the purity for axie 6185885. The axie is an aqua class.
To calculate the purity, we need to see all the genes, not just the dominant ones. In the image, you can see the genes for axie 6185885.
For each aqua gene we add its corresponding type percentage and then divide by 600. See below:
Gero is a Recessive gene: 18.75%
Sponge is a dominant gene: 75%
Anemone is a dominant gene: 75%
(75 + 75 + 18.75) / 600 = 0.281 * 100 = 28.1% pure.