Who can play Origins on iOS?
Currently, Origins for iOS is only available on TestFlight and the invitation is currently limited to player who owns either:
- Origin axie
- Mystic axie
- Mystic Land
- Genesis Land
Additionally, if you are part of the Creator's Program then you are also eligible for the invitation for the TestFlight.
You may apply to get the invitation by filling the TestFlight submission form.
Once it is released on the App Store, everyone will be able to download Axie Infinity on their iOS device. Check our roadmap for more details about upcoming releases.
You can download the game from axieinfinity.com for Mac OSX, Windows and Android.
Apple has placed a limit of 10,000 invitations to an application in beta testing. These invitations are in high demand, and you will often receive a message informing you that the beta is complete.
For more information about Apple's TestFlight program, visit the TestFlight page.