The Tower Mode is a PvE game mode feature in Axie Classic, offering players a challenge-based experience with increasing levels of difficulty. Below is a quick guide to start your grind and conquer the Tower.
Access by clicking on TOWER mode in the Axie Classic PLAY options
Gameplay & Mechanics
In Tower Mode, your objective is to complete floors by defeating axies of varying compositions to earn stars and rewards with a chance to gain better loot when increasing difficulty. Each floor has three difficulty levels:
- 1.0 Difficulty: Earn 1 star.
- 1.25 Difficulty: Earn 2 stars.
- 1.5 Difficulty: Earn 3 stars.
Different Tower Modes
There are two towers that are available, Nightmare Tower [Demo] and Community Tower.
- Nightmare Tower is composed of Nightmare axies, and is a featured tower that won’t reset.
- Community Tower is composed of axies and floors submitted by the community. This tower resets and the axies/floors are changed occasionally with new submissions.
NOTE: In Tower Mode, the cards of the enemy axies might not match their aesthetics, so make sure to check on each axie’s cards by clicking on the axies!
Floors & Stars Progression
- When you first open Tower mode, only Floor 1 will be available. Floors are unlocked by completing each succeeding floor on their default difficulty level (1.0).
- In order to challenge higher difficulty levels and gain more stars, you first need to complete the floor at the current available difficulty (e.g. you have successfully defeated the floor 5 axies at 1.0 difficulty, but you won’t be able to challenge 1.5 difficulty until you finish the 1.25 difficulty.
- If the progression isn’t updated after a match, you can press the Refresh button to refresh the data on the page.
Difficulty Adjustments
The difficulty values pertain to multipliers to adjust the floor axies’ stats. As you increase difficulty, your opponents' Speed, Morale, Skill, and HP increase based on the multiplier, making battles progressively harder.
NOTE: You can switch between Axie teams when challenging each floor.
Environmental Debuffs
Floor levels are categorized into either HARD or EASY floors determined by environmental debuffs.
- Easy Floors: Base floors 1-5 are normal Axie Classic battles without any environmental debuffs.
- Hard Floors: Floors 6-10 will have environmental debuffs, adding to the challenge and floor difficulty.
Tower Rewards
During the season, an entry ticket will be required for players to enter the Tower. Upon completion, players will receive a First-Time Reward for the initial completion of each floor at every difficulty level. Subsequent completions will grant a Replay Reward, which is a quarter of the First-Time Reward.
Additionally, each First-Time Floor Finish will earn Axie 100/200/300 AXP depending on the difficulty chosen respectively, following the maximum cap for Axie Classic.
NOTE: During the Offseason demo, there will be no entry ticket required and only AXP will be rewarded on first-time floor finishes.