Dive into the world of Project T with our complete gameplay guide to help improve your gaming experience to make it even more exciting!
Gameplay Basics
There are several types of trainer resources in Project T: Stamina and Energy. You need these to perform certain actions in the game.
Stamina is used for certain axie tasks, such as gardening or tending livestock. You can get Stamina either by sleeping or gifting items to your axies. Your maximum stamina depends on how many partner axies you have. Each axie adds 100 stamina for a maximum of 300 Stamina.
Energy is used for various actions, such as sending emotes in the town square. You can get more Energy by training in the Dojo, or by sending your axies to train in the Dojo.
Foundation Materials
There are several types of trainer foundation materials in Project T: Wood and Whisper Clay. You need these to build structures/tools in the game.
Wood will be used for building tools and structures such as rackets and a kitchen. There are 3 qualities of wood, Common, Good, and Excellent.
You can get Wood but cannot use it yet at the moment. More details will be revealed regarding this resource in the future.
Whisper Clay will be used for creating Pot Golem. There are 3 qualities of whisper clay, Common, Good, and Excellent.
You can get Whisper Clay but cannot use it yet at the moment. More details will be revealed regarding this resource in the future.
To get Wood and Whisper Clay, you can trade your butterflies with Shilin. You can trade a common butterfly for a piece of Wood, and a rare butterfly for a piece of Whisper Clay.
Game Menu
Main Menu:
You can open the menu by clicking the ≡ triple bar icon.
The Partners menu allows you to change the current partner axies you have in the game. You can only choose a maximum of 3 partner axies.
The Axies page shows you all the available axies you have in your wallet.
The Settings icon opens the game settings, where you can log out or delete the account.
The Inventory icon opens your in-game inventory.
The Quest icon shows you the quests page, along with your progress in completing the daily quests. The daily quest resets at 0:00 UTC.
The Map icon opens the in-game map, showing the locations of key places as well as you and your axies' current locations.
Player Actions
Sleeping allows your character to rest in order to restore Stamina. The longer you sleep, the more stamina you recover. You can initiate sleep by interacting with the bed inside your house.
Training is the primary way for you to gain Energy. The longer you and your axies train, the more Energy you get. You can initiate training by interacting with the Training Dojo.
Offering to Atia is an action you can do daily on the shrine near your house. By offering to Atia, you'll receive various rewards such as food items as well as shards.
Gardening allows your character to grow shards into complete food items. These take time to grow, and you can ask your axies to help with the task in exchange for some Stamina. You can initiate Gardening by interacting with the plot in the garden.
The Meadow allows for you to take care of livestock using shards. You can also ask for your axies to help with this task in exchange for some Stamina. You can initiate this action by interacting with the barn in the farm area.
Getting Help from your Axies
Your partner axies can help you with accomplishing certain tasks. You can ask for your axies' help by interacting with them on the map.
Your axies can only help you with pending tasks, which means you'll have to ask the axie to help right after converting shards in the garden or the farm. The menu will always show pending tasks that the axie can help with.
Each axie has two stats: fatigue-level and friendship-level.
The fatigue-level shows how tired the axie is. If it gets too tired, it will need to rest before you can ask for its help again. The friendship-level shows how friendly the axie is to you.
There are two types of items in the game: Food and Shards.
Food items are items that are ready to be used. You can use them as gifts to your axies or as offerings to Atia. You can primarily get Food items by converting shards through gardening/farming, but you can sometimes get them as rewards from offering to Atia. Food items have an expiry date, so make sure to use them before they expire.
Shard items need to be processed before they can turn into Food items that you can use. You can convert these to Food items through gardening or farming. You can get shards from the daily quest and as rewards from offering to Atia.
Town Square
You’ll find the Town Square by traveling south from your house. This is a place where you can interact with other trainers, and play mini-games with them.
On the bottom-left corner, you'll see the option to send a chat message or to use emotes, allowing you to communicate with other trainers. Using emotes consumes Energy, so try to use them to create special moments.
There are multiple activities that you can do in Town, you can learn more about them in the Project T - Activities article.