There are 5 different land plot types with varying property attributes.
- Savannah
- Forest
- Arctic
- Mystic
- Genesis
Land Nature Type
Each land plot has a nature type, with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. These differences in attributes have a significant impact on various aspects of gameplay, including production, crafting, building and upgrading, as well as the probability and duration of resource spawn.
Land Properties
In addition to possessing distinct nature types, each land plot also offers a one-time opportunity to alter its land properties, which can either have a positive or negative effect based on your selection.
How to Change Land Property
Step 1: Click the Land Property icon on the top-left corner beside the land coordinates.
Step 2: Click the gear icon near the Land Properties section.
Step 3: Choose the Land Property you would like to set, then click Apply.
Step 4: Make sure to read the reminders regarding changing Land Properties, and confirm the change by clicking Apply again.
Note: Be careful when changing a land property, as it can only be changed for free once and will be permanently be set even if the land is sold or transferred to another wallet. You will need a special item to change it again in the future.
Step 5: The Land Property of the plot will then be changed, and the buffs/debuffs of the Land Property you have chosen will be applied.